Thursday, June 28, 2012

I Blog so I Will not Scream

During the day I am reminded over and over how much I don’t fit in with this whole ‘Corporate America’ business. I’ve never been one to be coy or play games. I ask for what I want, tell you the truth when you ask me a question, admit and apologize when I’ve made a mistake and show gratitude when folks are nice to me. One would think these are all admirable qualities that were instilled in me on a little dirt road and in a little white church as I grew up in a little country town. One would think. In ‘Corporate America’ this is thought of as being too direct, lacking tact and kissing up.
I’ve been with the same company for going on eight years. I’ve seen people come in one way and become someone different to move up, I’ve seen people try entirely too hard to be someone and/or something they aren’t, I’ve seen it all. I can’t help but wonder where these people grew up. Didn’t your momma teach you not to act like that? Didn’t your daddy teach you about honesty and the rewards of a hard day’s work and a job done right? Sometimes I feel physically ill watching the nonsense, which I try to stay out of mind you though sometimes can’t help it.
I cry silent tears as I sit here with hope and genuine pride in my work caught in my throat, for it has nowhere to go, no ears to hear and no hearts to find.  


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